Saturday, December 08, 2007

Talking book archive


Visitors to my blog will have long realized my love of books and reading and the spoken word.  I was recently intrigued to learn that AFB has put together an online archive of its 75 year relationship to Talking Books.  I am familiar with the particular Scourby recording of the Bible and of Angelou's "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings."  Both are outstanding! 

It amused me back in the early 1990s to read of this great new development in commercial publishing--audio books.  Hello.  Yes, we, the blind, have long known of the joys of spoken-word-recordings and are glad that you, our sighted confreres, are also able to enjoy this aural experience, too!!


This month, AFB commemorated 75 years of involvement with Talking Books with the launch of a new, web-based
Talking Book Archives. The multimedia exhibit includes photographs, letters, press clippings, and audio clips from celebrated narrators and authors such as Alexander Scourby's recording of the Bible, Maya Angelou's recording of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, and Eva LeGallienne's reading of The Happy Prince.