Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cookies, anyone?


The past several months have not been great for me.  I think I crashed head long into that proverbial anxiety-ridden bugbear plaguing the male of a certain age--not the quarterlife crisis, nothing that trendy, but rather the midlife crisis!  It's all about careers vs. jobs and niches,  health vs. just hanging on with a chronic medical condition, life vs. family, and just wondering when or if the radio reading service that several friends and I have been working on in Southwest Louisiana will actually take off and change so many lives!  I could write more on any of the items listed above, but won't at this time.  Employers can read blogs too and who wants to shoot oneself in the cyber-foot or look ineffectual. 

I have been reading with Suzanne Beacher's online book clubs--oh, why did I not have a cool idea like that?--since Illinois-librarian, Lori Bell, told me about them in late 2004--and I finally won some of Suzanne's famous chocolate chip cookies.  They are good.  My picture should be online with other cookie winners. 

*     *     *

If you've never won some of my homemade chocolate chip cookies, please enter the drawing today. I'd love to bake for you! To enter and see photos of some of last month's winners, go here. The "how-to-enter" information is on the third page of photos. It's easy to enter. Simply tell me how long you've been reading at the book clubs, (I'm just curious) and why you'd like cookies. Then submit your email to the "enter" address and your name is in the drawing. I'll be choosing at least four winners this month.

*     *     *

I interviewed Mrs. Beacher several years ago for my blog, but concerns with the audio portion of this blog are causing potential archive problems.

Best to all who celebrating Easter this weekend and/or headed out for Spring Break.  I realize Passover comes in late April this year. 


David Faucheux

Sunday, March 02, 2008

'Future Blogger community launched'

From KurzweilAI.net:

MemeBox has announced the public
beta release of Future Blogger, a
blogging community dedicated to
exploring the future. Visitors can
post their thoughts, predictions and
scenarios. Community ratings then
determine page ranking for posts.
The site's Future Scanner also
aggregates and organizes information
about the future by year and and category.

(Found by David Faucheux.)