Thursday, December 23, 2004

'New graphic displays for blind'

Slashdot article:

An anonymous reader writes "Researchers from Spain have invented a new mechanism for graphical tactile displays for the blind. The displays use metallic films featuring various shape memory alloys which are produced layer by layer on silicon wafers using thin film technology. Display pixels are generated when the metallic film adjusts its curvature partially, similarly to bimetal snap plates for temperature switches. The movement of the films is then transferred to the touch panel via plastic pins und thus can be detected by the user."

Ethan Frome chatcast set for Jan. 18

A recording of a chatcast of Eudora Welty's book The Optimist's Daughter is now online in the Opal Archives. Ahead: an hour-long discussion of Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome. Below are details from chatcast host Tom Peters.

Ethan Frome bookMeting of the Minds, a regular chatcast for blind, visually impaired, and sighted individuals, will discuss Ethan Frome on Tuesday, January 18, 2005 beginning at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 7:00 Central, 6:00 Mountain, and 5:00 Pacific. If you are interested, please feel free to attend. There is no cost to participate, and no need to register. More information can be found via Opal. If you click on a "Meting" link, software will install automatically. But it is not, repeat not, spyware.

The classic 1911 novel is a tale of retribution about a discouraged New England farmer and his hypochondriac wife. Their empty lives are suddenly changed when her cousin, a young girl who still finds joy in life, comes to live with them.

Blind users can request RC 17455, 1 cassette, read by John MacDonald.

Since Ethan Frome is in the public domain, numerous online versions can be downloaded free of charge. For example, the Blackmask Online site contains the novel in a variety of file formats, including Mobipocket, Microsoft Reader, Adobe Acrobat, and others. There also are numerous study guides and group discussion questions available online. For example, a guide in the the Spark Notes series contains information about the characters, plot, action, symbols, themes, etc.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Ron Zevy of Tumbleweed Press: Audio chatcast today

From Lori Bell of the Mid-Illinois Talking Book Center:

Join host Tom Peters for the December ebookworm! He will interview Ron Zevy of Tumbleweed Press on Monday, December 13, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 3:00 Central, 2:00 Mountain, and 1:00 Pacific.

Tumbleweed Press is involved in several ebook and digital audio book initiatives, including Tumble Books for kids, TumbleReadables, large print ebooks for all ages, and Tumble Talking Books, digital audio books for adults.

To attend, go to the online auditorium, type your name and click enter. A small software applet will download to your computer as you go into the room.

For more information on this program, contact Tom Peters at

Friday, December 03, 2004

Chatcast with e-book publisher Ron Zevy of Tumbleweed Press

From Tom Peters:

Please join me online on Monday, December 13, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 3:00 Central, 2:00 Mountain, and 1:00 Pacific for an online Interview with Ron Zevy of Tumbleweed Press. Tumbleweed Press is involved in several ebook and digital audio book initiatives, including Tumble Books for kids, TumbleReadables, large print ebooks for all ages, and Tumble Talking Books, digital audio books for adults.

To access the online room, go here and click on the event name.

This online interview is sponsored by the Mid-Illinois Talking Book Center and is part of OPAL, a group of libraries collaborating to provide a rich array of online public programs.

This promises to be an interesting, informative interview. If you have questions, please contact me.

Eudora Welty novel featured in audio chat

The Optimist's Daughter, the Eudora Welty novel, will be discussed at 7 p.m. CST on Dec. 20 in an audio chatcast sponsored by the Mid-Illinois Talking Book Center. Tom Peters, moderator of the discussion, part of the Meting of the Minds series, describes Daughter as a "short, deceptively simple novel." Although the presentation is primarily for the visually impaired, anyone can participate. Hey, Eudora is much more than an e-mail program (actually the mail client was named with the title of a Welty work in mind). All you need is a PC with a sound card and speaker or headphones. The chat software downloads instantly and does not include spyware. For information on the Web address of the discussion, email Tom Peters.