A different take on audio
By David Faucheux
An e-friend of mine, who e-mailed me originally because she happened across my blog while doing online research, told me that her first experience with audio books was not great. I thought that a different opinion might be just the thing for today's blog entry. With her permission, I am including the link. She had e-mailed me to inquire about how blind people play Scrabble, not my favorite game; and we started talking from there. She needed to know because a character in a young adult novel she is writing that is nearing publication plays Scrabble with his blind grandfather!
Sometimes, even I meet interesting people online, but sadly, nowhere near as many as I had originally thought I'd meet. I recall reading/hearing a book in about 1999 called Webonomics about how the world was going to be radically different with the WWW-based business model. It may be that, but I haven't ridden that wave very far yet.