Sunday, February 19, 2006

Dual biography: Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals and Queens

Audio link

This is a sort of book review and demo of audio software.

Sometimes, a biography doesn't focus on one subject, but rather on two. The contrast and juxtaposition make for interesting reading. I have always thought that a bio of this kind featuring Jackie O and her sister, Lee, would be interesting, even entertaining!

The relationship of Queen Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart is simply too good to pass up. In Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals and Queens, Jane Dunn has brought her skills to bear on this regal duo.

I hope you enjoy the clarity of this blog item. I recorded it on my computer, not on the telephone, using a beta version of APH's Studio Recorder software. A tech friend, who once went by the cyber tag "Tyre," showed me how to handle this software. I kept telling myself, "You are not a dunce. You are not a dunce. We all have our strong points." But I wished there were a strong point broker where one could exchange one's unmarketable strong points for marketable ones. Alas. Talk about needing one's cerebrum rotated.

Text and audio by David Faucheux

Saturday, February 18, 2006

HEAR David Faucheux's TEXT postings--via a new feed for your iTunes or other software

We're experimenting with the TalkR service. In a fairly natural-sounding female voice, TalkR will read you the texts that generally accompany David Faucheux's audio entries. You can still hear David himself by clicking on the usual icons from Audioblogger. Now, however, even if David simply posts text, you'll still be able to hear an audio.

Currently this wrinkle is available only via an experimental audio feed, rather than by clicking on the audio icons at the bottom of each post in David F's blog. We hope to fix that.

Here's the URL to copy into your iTunes or other software:

The main TeleRead blog, focused on e-books, is also using the TalkR service. The feed for voice synthesized text is at and an explanation is at