Dual biography: Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals and Queens
Audio link
This is a sort of book review and demo of audio software.
Sometimes, a biography doesn't focus on one subject, but rather on two. The contrast and juxtaposition make for interesting reading. I have always thought that a bio of this kind featuring Jackie O and her sister, Lee, would be interesting, even entertaining!
The relationship of Queen Elizabeth I and Mary Stuart is simply too good to pass up. In Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals and Queens, Jane Dunn has brought her skills to bear on this regal duo.
I hope you enjoy the clarity of this blog item. I recorded it on my computer, not on the telephone, using a beta version of APH's Studio Recorder software. A tech friend, who once went by the cyber tag "Tyre," showed me how to handle this software. I kept telling myself, "You are not a dunce. You are not a dunce. We all have our strong points." But I wished there were a strong point broker where one could exchange one's unmarketable strong points for marketable ones. Alas. Talk about needing one's cerebrum rotated.
Text and audio by David Faucheux