Free public domain audio books
Librivox is a site where volunteers read public-domain books aloud and the resulting audio books are made available for free download as podcasts. Also see Branko Collin's article on it. (Posted for David Faucheux.)
I'm a TeleRead volunteer in Lafayette, LA--fond of Gary Jennings' novels, Jeopardy, good Thai cuisine and accessible Web sites. I hold an MLIS from Louisiana State University. Email: Click here. - David Faucheux
Librivox is a site where volunteers read public-domain books aloud and the resulting audio books are made available for free download as podcasts. Also see Branko Collin's article on it. (Posted for David Faucheux.)
"Library Thing pulls the information from Amazon, so you're bound to find your book in the search results. When you add a book to your library, tag it withkeywords. This helps you organize books by subject or location. I like to tag my books as read or unread. But my favorite feature is the reviews. The site has a lot of members, and many of them post comments on books." - Kim Komando (item spotted by David Faucheux).