Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Blind-accessible health, safety and security products

Safety and Security Source offers health, safety and security products for the blind--ranging from a talking blood pressure monitors to a talking thermostat.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Site for accessible software

Access.info is a site devoted to accessible software--you may want to check it out.

--Text by David Faucheux

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Blogger for Word add-on

I'm writing this post in Microsoft Word--but with just a few taps on the keyboard, it will end up in Blind Chance, through the Blogger for Word add-on. David Faucheux and I are investigating whether BfW program would be helpful to him. The regular Blogger interface can be confusing for blind people. There are certain problems with BfW such as the handling of images and links, but it still looks most promising. Meanwhile a big thanks to Rusty Perez for the pointer.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

BBC blog recognizes David Faucheux

David's among several blind podcasters mentioned in a positive way in a BBC blog devoted to people with disabilities.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

'Losing sight and finding vision'

From Robert Nagle's wonderful post to the TeleRead blog:

Here's a cool audio interview on itconversations with Susan Krieger, a professor of feminist studies at Stanford. Her book, Things No Longer There - A Memoir of Losing Sight and Finding Vision talks about her process of going blind and how it caused her to reflect on visual memories and how they change over time. Fascinating talk. She started writing the book while still able to see, but by the time she finished, she was completely blind and unable to read her own book. (Curious anecdote: she found a person at Stanford to recite the books-on-tape version of this same book, and because of considerable delays, that person ended up becoming severely visually impaired as well. So, as Krieger put it, a blind person wrote a book she herself couldn't read and would be read aloud by another person who couldn't read it either).Read more ยป

Monday, August 08, 2005

Blind podcasters

Check out http://www.whitestick.co.uk/podcasts.html to learn about podcasts by and about the blind.

Text by David Faucheux

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Chronic fatigue syndrome links

1. Medical Mystery: Kids and Chronic Fatigue - Interview with Shanon and son Anthony. I like what Anthony says about CFS: "It's kind of like rechargable batteries. They're always empty no matter how long you charge them. It's very frustrating."

2. About Shanon McQuown's book, "Harnessing the Wind - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and My Son."

Text by David Faucheux