Saturday, March 26, 2005

Interview on Hawaii Public Radio Show

Last night, Thursday, March 24, I called Hawaii. I learned via email that my podcasts were being enjoyed by a Larry Geller of Hawaii Public Radio. He invited me to call the Town Square Show which was featuring podcasters. So I did and was heard live in paradise. Click here to learn more.

--Text by David Faucheux

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Podcasts for the blind--and an e-book podcast

Blind listeners may want to check out:

--The new podcasting page from Online Programming for All Libraries (OPAL)--full of tips on everything from blogs to Google searching.

--The podcasting page for Blind Chance, David Faucheux's Audio Blog, the one you're visiting right now.

Podcasting lets you automatically download the audio segments from the programs whom you want to hear--it's like customized radio. Click here for more information.

For information on e-books, check out the podcasting page for TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home.

Often podcasting pages contain not just audio links but also informative text. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

David Faucheux's fan Down Under

Note: Gannett is still stonewalling as to why its newsies refuses to mention David Faucheux in the Lafayette Advertiser in Louisiana. Imagine. A blind podcaster in a small Southern city is getting recognition on the Audio Blogger home page and via Feedster--but not one word in print. Talk about cultural gaps between the press dinos and the rest of the world! It's not just David involved here. Just what might this say about the Gannett chain's coverage of the disabled? Meanwhile here's a note received from Lynette Reville, an Australian librarian, whom we thanked for her unsolicited recognition of Blind Chance. - David Rothman

Hello David, and David!

It was nice for me to get the email and the comment on the blog--thank you! I'm glad I could help spread your message a little further. When I put in the link to the article and your blog onto my blog it was because I found it inspiring, as well as informative. Today I wondered, in passing, where stories like yours were when I was doing my library studies. I have come across so many facets of librarianship in the few years since I graduated and started working that I can't believe didn't factor at all in my experience in library school; which is why I put the links on my blog and hope that other new (or interested) librarians will see them there.

I don't understand either why your local paper would repeatedly not write articles about you, David! My local paper probably would. I'd say forget about the local paper at the moment and see if they persist in not acknowledging your achievements once you are doing the rounds of international library conferences. I think it would be great to have you present your ideas about accessibility, and since I am not likely to go overseas anytime soon, you will have to work on getting to Australia. :)

All the best,

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

David's now podcasting

Via the Feedburner service, we've just added an RSS feed that works with iPodder and probably other common podcast software. That means you can set up your system to check automatically for David Faucheux latest audio--and blend it in with other audio feeds of your choice. Thanks to Greg Schwartz of OpenStacks for the suggestion. David's podcast-friendly feed is

Related: Podcasting by Blind Chance, from OpenStacks. Hey, thanks again, Greg. I hope others will join you in spreading around David F's podcast info.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Of blind blogs, Louisiana humor and stirfried crickets: Chat with David Faucheux at 8 p.m. EST

Posted to TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home:

One of the library world's most heartfelt blogs--enlivened by wry Southern humor--comes from a man who cannot see his own words. My friend David Faucheux, a blind MLIS in Lafayette, Louisiana, who will do a chatcast at 8 p.m. EST tonight, has been posting to his Blind Chance audio blog since last spring. David is featured on the home page and FAQ page of Audio Blogger and has won recognition from Feedster as well. ALA President-Elect Michael Gorman may question the usefulness of blogging, but David Fauxcheux and his fans don't. Listen to David's new MP3 on stirfried crickets and other insect delights for an example of his work. Or if you want something more somber, hear David remember Nader, the yellow Labrador, his late guide dog. Time to think about helping blind people in your community start their own audio blogs to convey their experiences and needs? More at TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home.