Disability book discussed in 'Meting' chatcast this Wednesday
From Tom Peters, moderator of the Meting of the Minds chatcasts sponsored by the Mid-Illinois Talking Books Center:
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 beginning at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 7:00 Central, 6:00 Mountain, and 5:00 Pacific:
The Meting of the Minds Online Book Discussion Group will be discussing the nonfiction work The Difference that Disability Makes by Rod Michalko. A blind Canadian professor articulates the way society perceives people with handicaps and usually associates impairment with suffering. The author explores why disabled persons are either feared or considered useless, illustrating with anecdotes from his own experience. Some strong language. RC 56208, 2 cassettes. Read by Brian Conn.
You can access the chatcast by using Internet Explorer and going to the following Web address: http://www.tcconference.com/lib/?auditorium&nopass_field=1
iVocalize software will download automatically and not leave any spyware.
To speak your questions, you'll need a microphone. To hear you'll need a soundcard. You can also ask questions by typing.
The chatcasts are open to disabled and nondisabled people alike.