What this blog is about: Books, the Net, libraries and the challenges of life
This is David Faucheux's blog, where he'll discuss books, the Net, libraries and life from the perspective of a bright MLIS grad who has faced his share of access-related challenges since losing his sight as a child.
Are you a librarian or teacher? Write triviaguy@bellsouth.net with your questions on such matters as, "Which e-book formats are best for the blind?" If David Faucheux doesn't know the answer, he'll ask others who will. Same for questions about the physical configurations of libraries and schools. He'll discuss these matters in this Web log but conceal identities if people request. This is a valuable learning opportunity. The number of blind and visually impaired Americans will increase as the baby boomers age.
Are you yourself blind? Would you like your own blog? No promises, but we might be able to help you get set up with one--or at least steer you to somebody who can help. Meanwhile, if you want your local library to provide more blind-related resources, you might tell local librarians about the Mid Illinois Talking Books Center as well as the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Keep in mind, too, that this blog is about books in a major way--and that David Faucheux loves to do audio book reviews. Send on the names of titles--fiction, nonfiction, old, new--that would be of interest. David these days is especially partial to historical fiction but his interest go way beyond that.