Thursday, February 08, 2007

Musings--on Wal-Mart, Louis Braille, the Hierarchy of the Senses and other topics

I had not originally thought of doing a musings column. But just now while reviewing files on my Braille Lite, I came across something called Blog that had the following items.

1. Wal-Mart: I usually have a friend take me shopping at Wal-Mart. I have often wondered why one can't visit the Wal-Mart website, type in one's grocery list, and have the site arrange it such that items and their prices appear in the same order as in the bricks-and-mortar store. It could then be printed out or e-mailed. It would be such an efficient way to arrange shopping time.

2. Slate and Stylus: I read in a bio of Louis Braille that the original slate, he invented or perfected it, did not have the dimples corresponding to each dot in the Braille cell but rather rows of grooves running across the slate. I had to wonder if this was a better method and easier to use--or not?

3. Hierarchy of the Senses: Several months ago, I pointed out to my family that there was a scratch on an end table in my apartment. They quickly dismissed my concerns by saying you could hardly see it. Well, I could certainly feel it and why does sight take precedence over touch anyway? Just because they could not really feel it, did not make it any less real! I have had doctors tell me that, too--especially dermatologists and dentists.

What do you think? Reach me here.

Written by David Faucheux