Monday, May 21, 2007

Reflections by a Blind Talking Book Reader (It'sNot Me)

Recently, a member of the private listserv run by NLS that is composed of beta-testers of the Digital Download Project posted a link to an article that appeared in the June 2006 Braille Monitor.

I found the walk down memory lane interesting. I recognized many of the names of the older narrators and can even recall several. NLS has truly assisted in giving the blind a unique audible heritage.

I cannot predict where the next 75 years will take us and whether there will be an NLS overseeing the production of audio books, but you can be sure if there are still novels and nonfiction and blind people (nano-medicine and genetic engineering may not have cured everyone), they will still be enjoying audio-recordings and will have learned about the excellent narrators of the past.

I was pleased to see some of my favorites in Mr. Benson's list: Patrick Horgan, House Jameson, Merwin Smith, Suzanne Toren, Lisette Lecat, Graeme Malcom, Nimet Habachy, Mitzi Friedlander, Jill Fox, Bruce Huntey, Laura Giannarelli, Ed Blake, Andy Chappell, Jack Fox, Gordon Gould, Julio de la Torre, Gabriella Cavallero, Catherine Byers, Michelle Shay,
Martha Harmon Pardee, Norman Barrs, Carolyn Byrd, Yvonne Fair Tessler, and Bill Wallace to name only a few! I added a few more to his list as he did not mention several newer ones who are very good. There are many more I have enjoyed. That's another blog item.