Blind-friendly candidates lose e-book-related election

That's not the reality today, however, thanks partly to a less-than-fully-committed standards effort over the years from the International Digital Publishing Forum. Alas, in the just-finished election, IDPF members failed to re-elect board member George Kerscher--a blind man who is a prominent disability advocate within the tech community. Once the IDPF had even chosen George as chair, but I guess priorities change. Yes, for the benefit of the sighted, that's George in the photo.
A second blind-friendly candidate, Mark Carey, also lost. While the e-book industry is getting better, it still has a long way to go toward full accessibility.
One result is that David F can't be nearly as productive as a super-gifted book reviewer as he could be if true e-book standards existed.
Luckily another e-book standards group has emerged, the OpenReader Consortium, in which I'm involved along with Mark and others; and we'll cherish particpation by blind people and others with print-related impairments.
- Text by David Rothman
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