Friday, September 03, 2004

Huck hear tells of a Sept. 11 chatcast

I hear tell they're fixin' to talk about me--them Internet folks--with this audiochat on The Adventures of Huck Finn. That's me, and I'm hoping they'll do a tolerable job of understanding me and Mr. Mark Twain. Now Tom Sawyer, he says they're discussin' courage and freedom and how we is one of the good examples of the American character. I hear-tell this is part of the Libraries Remember Project. Pap never did like book learnin', so I guess I'll get Tom to learn me how to tune this in and make sure they tell the truth.

Detail: To participate Huck will need just a Net connection, sound card and speakers--plus a microphone if he wants to speak up (participants can also type comments and questions). The software is self-installing and does not contain adware. Click here to get to the chatcast room. The Meting of the Minds discussion will happen at 7 p.m. Central Daylight on September 11. Tom Peters is moderator, and the sponsor is the Mid-Illinois Talking Book Center. Athough the chatcasts are for the blind and other print-challenged people, anyone can participate.

Warning: The above is not authentic dialect from the novel. Not sure why. Is it really true that use of IM has already corrupted Hick's speech?