Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The Seventies: An interview with author Bruce Schulman

Today I interviewed Dr. Bruce J. Schulman, author of The Seventies: The
Great Shift in American Culture, Society, and Politics.

The interview proved interesting despite numerous technical problems I had
with my phone and blogger. I hope the audio can be heard relatively well.

--Posted and written by David Faucheux

Update: This was David's very first taped interview, and he had audio difficulties, as noted--problems feeding the sound into the phone. We're going to work on this before posting other taped interviews. Meanwhile thanks to Bruce Schulman, who was indeed most informative. We hope to repost a clear verson of the interview at some point. Any suggestions from listeners about audio? Actually my blogroll friend Dave Slusher, aka The Evil Genius, who's an old radio hand, may have ideas. But we'll welcome others' advice as well. - David Rothman